NeoRhythm is a crowd-funded PEMF product from Indiegogo – with over S$2 million raised by the 5000+ backers. How the product differs from the rest of PEMF devices is the product design and targeted audiences – as a lifestyle mental well-being products that can be use on-the-go. It also has a very mass-appealing and affordable price point at USD 309 (Around SGD 430) per unit and comes with 2 years international warranty.

NeoRhythm is positioned both as consumer use repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) and PEMF-based Brainwave Entrainment system. It comes with 7 programs that can be controlled from a smartphone app (Android or iOS), which is relatively simple to use and operate. Although the communication between the headband and the smartphone/tablet app is through Bluetooth, the device has an option to turn off the Bluetooth during the actual session, so to minimize any EMR during use.
Unlike many portable PEMF devices, NeoRhythm comes with quite a sophisticated programs that have a wide range of frequencies and intensity – 3-303.41Hz and .25mT (2.5 Gauss) – 2.5mT (25 Gauss), using trapezoid waveform, suitable for a wide range of application.

Activating and Stopping a session is simple – by simply tapping on the headband. Tap once to start, and tap twice to stop. There is no physical start/stop button on the headset. The headset comes with a built-in lithium battery, that can last up to 8 hours of continuous operation (for sleep program). Higher frequencies/intensities program will consume more battery juices, hence you will expert shorter battery run time.

Charging is via standard Micro-USB cable. Charging time is a bit long – about 2 hours based on today’s charging standard, but it’s still acceptable since you are not expecting to use the device for a long period of time, except if you are using sleep program.